Two-Part Czech Folk Songs for Easy Piano (arr. Emil Hradecky)

Kod BM140
Bestsellery Bestsellery
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
styl muzyczny: muzyka dla dzieci, uczniów i studentów
muzyka ludowa, spirituals, folk & country
aranżacja : fortepian
fortepian / akordy
obsada: solo
Stopie: początkujący
tekst utworów: czeski
format: książka + Audio online
A collection of twenty well-known Czech folk songs in easy two-part arrangements for piano. Songs for beginning pianists were arranged by the well-known Czech composer Emil Hradecký. All songs are… pokaż więcej
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udostępnij znajomym:

pokaz audio

1. A já sám / česká
2. A vy, páni muzikanti / moravská
3. Anička, dušička, kde si bola / slovenská

Spis utworów (20)

  1. A já sám / česká
  2. A vy, páni muzikanti / moravská
  3. Anička, dušička, kde si bola / slovenská
  4. Čerešničky, čerešničky / moravská
  5. Černé oči, jděte spát / česká
  6. Čí je, čí je děvče / moravská
  7. Dobrú noc má milá / slovenská
  8. Holka modrooká / česká
  9. Jeníčku, bloudíš / česká
  10. Kalamajka / česká
Pokaż spis utworów (20)

Opis produktu

A collection of twenty well-known Czech folk songs in easy two-part arrangements for piano. Songs for beginning pianists were arranged by the well-known Czech composer Emil Hradecký. All songs are accompanied by chords and lyrics (in Czech) and can be played not only on the piano, but also on keyboard instruments. You can also play and sing songs together and accompany the pianist on guitar, ukulele and other accompanying instruments.
The book includes a link where you can download demo recordings of the songs in the collection to give you an idea of what the songs sound like and make it easier to choose which song to learn to play first.

Emil Hradecký (*1953) is one of the most significant Czech composer, arranger and piano teacher, who is often inspired by dance music and jazz in his works. However, Emil Hradecký's work is very extensive and his "non-jazz" compositions are very melodic, pleasant to listen to and popular among teachers and their students