Ukulele Chord Chart

Code: 99891
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Genre: instructional books
Arrangement: tablature / chords
Cast: solo
Format: sheet music
This chart shows essential chords and secondary minor chord relationships from all 12 root tunes for the soprano ukulele in G-C-E-A tuning. The chords shown for each root note are major, seventh,… show more
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Product code: 99891
Author / Editor: Bay, William
Pages: 4
Size: 23 x 30 cm
Weight: 30 g

Product description

This chart shows essential chords and secondary minor chord relationships from all 12 root tunes for the soprano ukulele in G-C-E-A tuning. The chords shown for each root note are major, seventh, minor, diminished, and augmented, with relative minor I, IV, and V7 chords also shown. In addition, the chart includes a ukulele fingerboard with all the frets numbered and the corresponding notes shown in standard notation. Unfolds to 17.5" by 11.75".