HRAVÉ PÍSNIČKY I / four fun pieces for recorder and piano

Kod LX403599
powrót do poprzedniego wyboru
Wydawnictwo: LYNX nakladatelství
styl muzyczny: muzyka dla dzieci, uczniów i studentów
muzyka ludowa, spirituals, folk & country
aranżacja : melodia / fortepian
obsada: solo
Stopie: początkujący
średnio zaawansowany
format: książka
The workbook brings you four original, fun and easy songs (variations on well-known Czech folk songs) for recorder with piano accompaniment.  pokaż więcej
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Kod produktu: LX403599
kompozytor: Švajdová, Hana
ilość utworów: 4
ilość stron: 11
język : czeski
rozmiar: 21 x 30 cm
ISMN: 9790900403599
waga: 142 g

Spis utworów (4)

  1. Skáče pes, včera, dnes
  2. Kočka dírou nepoleze
  3. Dú kravičky, moc se jim nechce
  4. Co se děje? Zase leje!

Opis produktu

The workbook brings you four original, fun and easy songs (variations on well-known Czech folk songs) for recorder with piano accompaniment. 

Hana Švajdová (*1972) is a Czech pianist, piano teacher and composer. She comes from Olomouc, studied piano at the conservatory in Kroměříž and then continued her studies at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava (M.A. degree) and the Faculty of Education of Palacký University Olomouc (PhD degree). Since 1999 she has been working at the music school "Žerotín" in Olomouc, in 2017 she became a member of the Moravian Composers Club Brno. She is intensively involved in the promotion of Czech contemporary music, improvisation and original composition of pupils in the teaching of the ZUŠ, especially through the projects "Improvisation for Everyone" and "Music without Borders". In her free time she writes compositions for herself and her pupils not only for solo piano, but also for chamber music and organ, which are her hobbies. In her compositions she usually captures important and joyful moments of her life.