We sing a song 1 - We praise our God with our youngest - lyrics/chord

Code: DN0005
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Publisher Rosa Media s.r.o.
Genre: classical & sacret
music for children, pupils and students
Arrangement: vocal / chords
Cast: solo
Lyrics language: Czech
Format: book
Series: Zpíváme si písničku
Artist: Ztracená kapela
This songbook includes 36 songs of christian music group. All songs are with lyrics and chords. There is a black and white picture next to each song waiting for you to color it in. show more
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Product code: DN0005
No. of songs: 36
Pages: 72
Size: 17 x 23 cm
EAN: 9788073877620
Weight: 0.13

Songlist (36)

  1. My jsme děti
  2. Od Boha radost
  3. Vše dobré, co máme
  4. Mám písničku
  5. Chtěl bych jít za tebou
  6. Hvězdy tiše vyšly
  7. Jažíš žije
  8. Sluníčko lechtá
  9. U zelené přesličky
  10. Pane Bože, prosíme tě
View songlist (36)

Product description

This songbook includes 36 songs of christian music group. All songs are with lyrics and chords. There is a black and white picture next to each song waiting for you to color it in.