COMPOSIZIONI per piano solo - Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek

Code: H3237
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Publisher Barenreiter
Genre: classical & sacret
Arrangement: piano
Cast: solo
Format: book
Series: Czech composer
Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek (1791-1825) was a Czech composer, pianist and organist. Here we present you nine of his shorter compositions for piano that you will not find in any of his cycles. You can… show more
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Product code: H3237
Composer: Voříšek, Jan Václav Hugo
No. of songs: 9
Pages: 44
Language: English
Size: 23 x 30 cm
ISMN: 9790006572571
Weight: 244 g

Songlist (9)

  1. Stammbuchblatt (Lístek do památníku)
  2. Rondo (Sol maggiore)
  3. Rondo (Ut maggiore)
  4. Impromptu (Sib maggiore)
  5. Impromptu (Fa maggiore)
  6. Eglogue
  7. Le plaisir
  8. Le désir
  9. Variations

Product description

Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek (1791-1825) was a Czech composer, pianist and organist. Here we present you nine of his shorter compositions for piano that you will not find in any of his cycles. You can also read Vorisek's biography to get to know him a bit better.

Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek (1791-1825) was a Czech composer, pianist and organist. He is one of the leading representatives of early Czech romanticism.